Japanese recipes

Here is our selection of simple and easy Japanese sweet recipes to cook from home. Find all the flavor of typical and popular Japanese dishes but also the delicacy of Japanese desserts and pastries.

Recipe spaghetti tuna mayo Japanese style

Discover our recipe for Japanese-style spaghetti with tuna and mayo. It’s very simple to make and the taste is original!

Recipe chirashi sushi ちらし寿司 with seafood

Chirashi sushi is a sushi rice platter with various toppings spread over the rice. Its greatest characteristic is the beauty of the ingredients and colors, which makes it an ideal dish for a birthday or a party! Check out our recipe!

Matcha yuzu cheesecake recipe

Make a cheesecake with a hint of Japanese matcha green tea powder and yuzu. This lovely dessert is light, creamy and just sweet enough!

Ehomaki recipe, a long sushi maki for setsubun

Make ehomaki, a lucky sushi! Discover our detailed recipe with the Japanese utensils and ingredients you will need.

Recipe tekone sushi with bonito てこね寿司

Want to try the traditional sushi from Mie Prefecture, Japan? This is the tekone sushi てこね寿司 and it is simply delicious!

Naporitan recipe, Japanese style spaghetti

Make “naporitan”, Japanese style spaghetti, easy to make with ingredients you probably have on hand.

Nanakusa no Sekku 七草の節句, 7 Herbs Festival, January 7

Nanakusa gayu is the traditional Japanese breakfast on January 7th. It contains 7 herbs and rice porridge to purify the body.

Recipe for taiyaki, fish-shaped waffle

Taiyaki is a Japanese cake that is shaped like a sea bream and is filled with a sweet red bean paste called anko. It’s fun to cook!

Recipe Kaeshi sauce かえし (sauce for noodle broth and soba)

Kaeshi かえし is a delicious and must-have sauce in Japan . This sauce is a concentrate of Umami made from shoyu soy sauce, mirin and sugar.

Steamed Daifuku Recipe

Make delicious Daifuku, traditional Japanese desserts made with steamed anko.